The Privatization of War

Lo-Fi Press
3 min readMay 2, 2021


Recently President Joe Biden has declared that they are going to start pulling troops from the Middle East. The thing they don’t tell you about is the profits that could be made by Private Military complex. Its no secret when George W. Bush sent troops to the Middle East it was for an alternative motive, it wasn’t a war on terrorism but to expand monopoly. Corporations saw the opportunity to make profit by either stealing oil or threatening the businesses of the country. Time hasn’t changed much we are still stealing oil in those countries under Joe Biden especially in Syria where the Syrian government has not allowed us to be in their country.

There is also private military companies that rely on these corporations in order to be funded to get weapons, vehicles, helicopters. Companies like “blackwater” now called Academy, take on contracts given to them by the pentagon jobs that they do not want US troops to be seen doing. This ultimately backfired as many of them would get into some trouble doing whatever shooting at civilians or damaging property. Ultimately they could get away with anything if they were backed by the US government. They are not regular soldiers they are civilians, within the Geneva Conventions PMC are not allowed to operate in a foreign country by no means but being American gives you that privilege to operate with no law.

There was a sickening incident in Iraq called the Nisour Square massacre, where blackwater mercenaries killed 17 and injured 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad. The mercenaries fired at civilians, they claim that they were being attacked but given the evidence they were unprovoked attacks. The Iraq government tried them in a civilian court found them guilty of counts of murder, manslaughter, and firearm charges.

The end of last year Trump pardoned those contractors, a disgusting act that still have no words for. Many people who supported the contractors actions cheered as many apparently claimed the punishment's was too severe. Many say that their children will be reunited with their fathers, but what about the families that can’t be reunited with their loved ones because of that day? If killing civilians unprovoked is something that can get you pardoned and forgiven in this country then that is sick culture we live in. Nothing will change they’re is going to be more incidents like this now that now we are going to be operating like this in the future with official troops or with civilian contractors.

The U.N. even said that that act alone violated international law and the injustice is just the beginning the U.S. have been involved with many crimes against humanity. War is a big racket when it comes to the U.S. and using civilian contractors won’t stop the crimes in the Middle East or anywhere else in the world where these agents can operate with the protection of the U.S.

These contractors get paid much more then regular military, many are retired military wanting a bigger contract to make them big bucks. These mercenaries also do not serve a country nor an ideology, their sole purpose is to kill for money.



Lo-Fi Press

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